Saturday, January 18, 2014

Food for Thought: The Meaning of Life, Explained through Death

        Hey, readers. I thought I'd try starting something new on the World Improvement Project- a monthly "Food for Thought" post. Today I'll try addressing something that I think everyone has thought about in their deeper, more philosophical moments: the meaning of life.
          I won't profess to have the one answer to this really big question... However, I will give you a little something to think about. 
          Imagine your epitaph. Don't imagine what it would say if you lived on for sixty more years and accomplished all your life goals. Imagine what it would say if you died this very instant. If you're very young, probably not too much, but if you're older, there might be some more. Maybe not. Just be realistic. What kinds of stuff would it say? 
          Now imagine another epitaph- one that's been written after you've died well into your old age and completed all your goals. What's this one say? Is it different than the first epitaph? Me being the geek I am, I made a Venn diagram of mine. Except... I'm way too lazy to actually draw one, take a picture, and upload it, and I'm definitely too lazy to scour the internet for a good Venn diagram generator. I've looked before, and trust me, none of them work. 

Epitaph One

  • Pretty much nothing (I'm one of those young people who still needs to do something with their life)


  • Was a beloved daughter and sister (hopefully, haha)
  • Loved writing and wrote all the time
  • Mastered the art of tea-making 

Epitaph Two

  • Succeeded in reducing discrimination and violence
  • Traveled the world 
  • Performed in a professional musical theatre production
  • Wrote and published a book

          Yeah... I'm a little disappointed in myself, too. I feel so prioritized now, though! I should probably be writing. Or holding a rally. Or getting a passport. Or auditioning for a show. Or the more immediate issue, cooking dinner. Eh... I'll finish this post first.
          So, have you listed the contents of your epitaphs yet? Hopefully, there's a lot of overlap between the two. If not, you're at least more prioritized than me. 
          Now I just have one more request for the epitaph experiment: list all the things, from both epitaphs, that improve the world in one way or another. How many are there? How many do you want to have? 
         If you liked what I have decided to call "the Epitaph Experiment", please, like and reshare this post or let me know in the comments! If I get enough positive feedback, I'll continue my monthly Food for Thought posts. Hopefully this food for thought was chewy enough to get you to click that button. Just remember- without supporters, there is no World Improvement Project. 
         Thank you so much for reading!

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