Here's the link to the original imgur page, but I'm also including the image below. It's kinda big, but it's worth the read.
Remember, sexism isn't a "men's issue" or a "women's issue". Sexism affects everyone negatively, although I do have to admit that women have it kinda worse. (Femicide, anyone?) However, the stereotypes that claim that men always have to be interested in the same things, act the same way, and not express emotion are ridiculous and incredibly harmful. All in all, I agree with the message of this image- Sexism will not be overcome until both women and men can recognize it as a serious issue that hurts both groups, and work together.
Have a great and world-improving week!

Update: I can't seem to get the image to be at a good size for reading that doesn't fall out of my post, so you can either zoom in your browser to view it here, or view the original on imgur. If anyone knows how to fix the issue, please shoot me a comment to let me know! Blogger needs to add some more features...